The hotel is located roughly where the stables for Hooge Chateau, once stood.
Hooge Chateau and its stables were the scene of very fierce fighting throughout the First World War. On 31 October 1914, the staff of the 1st and 2nd Divisions were wiped out when the chateau was shelled; from 24 May to 3 June 1915, the chateau was defended against German attacks and in July 1915, the crater was made by a mine sprung by the 3rd Division. On 30 July, the Germans took the chateau, and on 9 August, it and the crater were regained by the 6th Division. The Germans retook Hooge on 6 June 1916 and on 31 July 1917, the 8th Division advanced 1.6 Kms beyond it. It was lost for the last time in April 1918, but regained by the 9th (Scottish) and 29th Divisions on 28 September (

In the summer of 1915, the British positions around Hooge have become precarious. From their vantage point the Germans here have a good view over the British frontline. With a limited but well targeted attack, the British try to eliminate German strongholds. On 19 July 1915 they denonate a charge of 1,700 kilograms of explosives in a tunnel that had been driven by the special Tunnelling Companies of the Royal Engineers. Immediately after the explosion the allies rush the crater in order to consolidate their advanceThis is the crater with a blockhouse on the side.
This Blockhouse was built in 1916.I did go inside and on the way stepped on something that stunk out the entire site.
A view looking back toward the hotel.
Looking from the other end of the crater. The tree on the right is on top of a bunker.
Hooge is also famed for being the site of the first German flame thrower attack against the British. Using 'Flammenwerfer' equipment - a cylinder strapped to the back of one man, attached to which was a lit nozzle, producing a jet of flame reaching up to 25 yards in length, thick black smoke billowing - the Germans launched a surprise attack at 0315 on 30 July 1915. ( trenches in the grounds.
Remnants of war, even though it was 100 years ago, are still around.
Five min's walk up the road is the Hooge Crater Cemetery , and across from it is the Hooge Crater Museum. Unfortunately we didn't get time to go to either of these.
Behind the hotel is a large amusement park, and yup I had interest at all in going there.
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