Friday, August 31, 2012

One day before lift off!

Wow, this time tomorrow we'll be in Sydney settling down for the night, and in a mere 36 hours we'll be on a plane for Dubai. It seems to have come around so fast. We're really on our way!

Of course, none of the suitcases are packed yet, and we're still getting the last few bits and pieces together - underwear, toiletries, that sort of thing. The spare bedroom is still a mass of clothes and all the other things that we need to take with us, but there's always
tomorrow to get the packing done. Tomorrow, when we still have
to pick up the hire car. Tomorrow, when we still have to wash (and
dry) sheets and towels and today's clothes. Tomorrow, when I have
to drop off the P&C Secretary's stuff for Cam's school to someone
who's going to be at the next meeting...  Also want to fit in a final
visit to my mum before we head away.

I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to get it all done. After all, if it
wasn't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done, would it?
There's plenty of time!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Saga begins -10 days to go

Well if you've reading this you either know us, or you're lost. If its the later,  this is not the blog you are looking for.....

If it is the former , you obviously know we're off on a bit of an adventure. I'm not calling it a holiday because I don't think it will be one.

Rather than post email updates, postcards or update facebook I thought we'd do some updates in blog form. Sure, we will update facebook , but this place is for those who don't use that service, or for those aren't "friends" in the facebook sense. Hopefully we'll be able to find plenty of "free wifi" on our travels s we can upload plenty of holiday snaps

Plus, at the end of it, our travels will be in one place, not scattered through much of the dross that is facebook.

You can either follow by email, just put your email address in the box on the top right of this page, or click on the join this site button (top right also).

Feel free to ask questions make smart comments or interact in anyway you like by posting at the bottom.

The basic Itinerary is as follows:

2 Sep  - Sydney to Dubai
3/4 Sep  - Dubai
4 Sep  - Dubai to Paris
5/6 Sep  - Paris
6 Sep  - Paris to London via Eurostar
7-11 Sep - London
12 Sep  - 4 Oct - UK around and about
4 Oct - Glasgow to Iceland
5/6 Oct - Iceland
6 Oct - Iceland to Denver
7 -24 Denver to LA

Oh, for those wondering, yes there are people in the house. We couldn't leave the cat alone by herself.

Thats it for post 1...